Jack Rabbits/Bunnies

JackRabbits are of elementary school age and Bunny Rabbits should be in SK or at least 5 years old. Please note this year we are only offering one session on Saturdays from 1:00-2:30 pm. Sessions will be an hour and a half in length, the duration of this time will be spent outside skiing. If you are unsure of which level is best suited to your participant, please contact Cayley Thomas at cthomas.midlandskiclub@gmail.com. Additionally, we would appreciate participants to arrive 15-20 minutes early to ensure that programming begins on time each week. JackRabbits will run on Saturday afternoons from January 4 – March 1, 2025.

For Registration, please complete registration online by clicking this link by December 31.

Parents, please read this information sheet.

We hope your family will join us this year.

Volunteer Instructors

We are always glad to have keen & positive volunteers (adult or youth) to help instruct our JackRabbit Program on Saturday afternoons. Please contact Cayley Thomas at cthomas.midlandskiclub@gmail.com for more information.